Welcome to the PhpToolCase Project

What is PhpToolCase?

The goal of this project is to speed up the process of programming in php, by using tools that can significantly cut down lines of code, and yet give a better understanding of the code itself, making it easear to mantain. Furthermore, the tools that the PhpToolCase library has to offer don't require much knowledge of php, and can simplify what may have seemed to be a complicated task for the programmer. Junior programmers that are new to oop (Object Oriented Programming), can learn quite fast the main principals with the examples proposed by the components.

Who Is It Directed To?

Typical usage of these tools could be found under the following circumstances:

  • University Project
  • Website & Application Programming
  • Database Maintenance
  • Debugging Code

So, what's in the toolcase then?

To answer the question, here below is a list of some of the features and the components.
keep in mind that there are many more features, that are documented in other sections.

Main Features:

  • Dynamic forms generation & validation with easy layouts
  • Database connection manager to manage multiple connections
  • Autoloader & application paths controller
  • Query builder to manipulate database table data
  • Object relational mapping capabilites (ORM)
  • Event dispatcher to add events to applications
  • Debugger & logger engine chained to all components automatically
  • Helper functions to speed up the process of coding
  • All classes are independent, and can be used as stand-alone (apart from the ORM)


Getting Started

To get started, I recommend you take look at the links above, which have examples that can give you a quick start. You can also have a look at the documentation, which holds all the references to the tools, has a complete set of examples and quick start guides.

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